Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Wedding Dress


Buying a Wedding Dress

For every season, for every motif, for every person and for every color symbolism, there will always be the right wedding dress. Choosing what to wear in your wedding is as critical as choosing the the man you will be spending your sunset days with.
There's a multitude of wedding dress styles to choose from - in some countries that have veered away from much of wedding rituals and traditions, dress styles number in the thousands. Buying a Wedding Dress: Style

The style of your wedding dress will depend on about four factors. o Type of wedding
An outdoor wedding would narrow your choices. For practical reasons, you may want to seriously not wear a long, down to the ankles type of dress. Your dress is you, inside and outside. If you've always been proud of your hips, look for a dress that flairs out a bit at the waist. Your budget: who says you need a designer dress? Many brides think of their future daughters when they buy their wedding dress, but remember that your daughter could end up saying, "how could you wear a thing like that to your wedding, mum?"

If you have other wedding expenses and don't want your wedding dress to take up the lion's share, you can ask a sister or close friend to help you design a wedding dress. Culture: The factor of culture plays a dominant role in weddings and when one wears a wedding dress that is typical of one's culture, then the conversation gets livelier. For example, if you've been to a Scottish wedding, you'll know that tartans and Highland kilts will be the dominant features of the wedding attire. Brides will usually wear a red Chinese dress because red symbolizes love. If you've been to a Greek wedding, you'll notice that both bride and groom wear flowers on their head instead of a veil.

Buying a Wedding Dress - Color

The color white, traditional for wedding dresses, was originally used to signify the bride's virginity to the gathered witnesses. The color white is not mandatory though. A differently colored dress would make a wonderful splash on your wedding day. No rules exist saying brides cannot wear purple or sage; indeed, an outdoor wedding might look even lovelier with a deviation from strict tradition. Always check with your pastor to see if you and your entourage can wear different colors, and ask him which colors are strictly forbidden.

Buying a Wedding Dress - Stories for You

If you're feeling a tad overwhelmed by wedding preparations and agonizing over your wedding dress, you may want to take a break, sit and lounge on your favorite armchair, and curl up with a good book. We'd like to suggest My Wedding Dress: True-Life Tales of Lace, Laughter and Tulle published last month (January 2007) by Random House (ISBN: 978-0-676-97846-9; 0-676-97846-0). Wedding stories never fail to bring a warm glow to heart or trigger your love for laughter. For example, we looked for a story about wedding dresses and we found a funny one online from the Canadian Press (May 2005). Guess what the bride wore to her glacier wedding?
"The bride wore a curvy, strapless white satin gown sprinkled with sequins. 'although the dress was a surprise.'

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Beart

Check out my other guide on Romantic Wedding Dress.