Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

Wedding Party Favors

Tips on Choosing the Perfect Wedding Party Favors

In a typical wedding setting the bride and groom usually give wedding party favors to parents, bible and ring bearers, the flower girls, candle lighters, bridesmaids and groomsmen, the best man and the maid of honor. These gifts are given during the pre wedding party or rehearsal dinner. Wedding party favors should not be limited to only the bridal party as there are guests who come from far just to attend your wedding. Sending them off with an appreciation gift is a token of respect.

Choosing unique wedding favors takes some time and planning. You should research some tips to guide you into an appropriate decision. The first thing to take into consideration is the amount of money you can spend on the wedding party favors. Sit down with your groom and come up with a budget that you can stick to. Keep in mind that wedding favors need not be extravagant, as with all gifts, it is the thought that counts.

In most cases a wedding favor is given to all the guests but the same gift does not have to be given to everyone. Explore gifts that are better suited to men and women separately. Remember that different people have different interests but keep to your chosen theme. Since most of the guests are people you know, consider their personal interests if possible. For example, if they like golfing or partying with friends you could consider things like golf gifts or beer mugs with a personalized message or your initials on it.

Wedding party favors can also send a message to the guests that you have taken time to note their interests and get something tailored to them personnally. The best wedding party favors should match the theme of your wedding. For example, if it is a Christmas wedding, get something that fits the Christmas theme.

Another tip to guide you is to decide if you would like to give edible gifts, those that can be stored or those for display as a memento. Picture frames are good display items while edible gifts can be chocolates for women or liquor chocolates for men. When it comes to presenting these unique wedding favors, you could distribute the ones for men during the bachelor party and for women during the bachelorette party or you could choose to distribute them at the wedding reception.

Decide whether you want your unique wedding favors to be personalized, homemade or the commercially available variety. You will find salespeople ready to help in offering personalizing services if desired. Of course there is a cost for this but you can have all the work done for you. If you are artistic you could set some time to work on some homemade gifts. You can check online for their products if you want a favor with a more professional look. These are just some of the tips and ideas you should consider when deciding on the perfect wedding party favor for your guests.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Aaron_B_Hu)

Find out the other guide on Wedding Guest Book.